FREDERICK MACDONALD is a certified healing facilitator trained in the Reiki traditions. He is on the board of the Swampscott Church of Spiritualism and is a member of the Camp Etna Spiritualist Association.


Fred went Vegan to save his own life. After learning he had three, life-threatening malignant melanomas, he read THE CHINA STUDY, by T. Colin Campbell, M.D. In reading Dr. Campbell’s groundbreaking book, he discovered eating animal protein promotes the growth of cancer cells whereas consuming plant protein does not. These well proven facts made it easy for him to become and remain a vegan.

JULIE GRIFFIN, is a Vegan advocate, artist, motivational speaker, Vegan chef, and author. She’s an award-winning, international clinical, and metaphysical hypnotherapy trainer and practitioner. An ordained healing facilitator, she’s been present to lend a hand at times of deep devastation, including to survivors of the Twin Towers in 2001 and the 2004 Tsunami that originated in Banda Aceh (Indonesia). It is now her mission to assist those seeking to break free from egregious past programming inflicted upon them by the meat and dairy industries, harmful medical practices, and Big Pharma. Griffin is the author of 14 books, including Words That Heal and Facilitating Wellness. She produces and stars in, The Secret Society of Aging Divas—an upbeat program designed to empower women as they move through and beyond menopause.